Sunday, March 1, 2015

3-1 final blog

This was the first time I have blogged. It was challenging at first because I didn’t know what I was doing. I was unsure of the procedures for creating a blog and posting to the blog and then getting the address of a blog. I had to ask my husband for help and we finally figured it out together and I created a blog page and the daily writing began. I thought this is going to be tough, writing every day over 300 words for 24 days. What do you write about, when do I find the time to do this every day made a plan to get up and do it before I go to work. I’m a morning person so I wake up around 4 am and get a drink of water and sit down at the kitchen table and turn on my computer and begin writing.  The first couple were easy, words flowed and I was surprised how easy it was. Then the problem came of what to write about. I would start off with a small concept and just build from there and before I knew it, I was done.

                I was afraid this assignment would turn out to be a burden, but it was the opposite. It became part of my daily routine and after I was finished I started thinking of topics for the next day. I wrote my blog in ten minutes some days, others around 15-20 minutes. I felt invigorated after I wrote my blog, I would arrive at work at 6 am and I had already done a homework assignment and started my day before most people were even awake.  I was proud of myself, I had accomplished what I wanted to do and more. Since I was up and writing in my blog I did some of my other homework. This made for more time in the evening to spend time with my husband.

                I enjoyed this writing assignment. I’m not just saying this to get in good with my teacher, I think this assignment will greatly help me in my school and work. I was dreading this assignment and it turned out to be an enjoyable writing experience, this has made me a better writer. My leadership class requires essay writing and I was cringing inside at these assignments, but now I know I can write them without worry. I am encouraged by this since I’m nearing the end of my courses. I have seven classes left and I am planning on taking three in the summer and four in the fall. I know it will be hard, but I have the drive to get it done.

                I feel more confident with blogging. My kids laughed at me when I told them I did my first blog post. At first I thought why is she making us blog, how does that pertain to compositions 101 class. I now realize being able to communicate with all the new social medias are important, like twitter, Facebook, blogging, face time, text, and instant messages. Knowing how to communicate in these formats will help me keep up with the trends. I know have the confidence to go on to my blog and post, there is no more apprehension, which is a good feeling.

                Overall I have enjoyed this writing assignment. It was actually easier than I thought it was going to be. I now have a different opinion of free writing. I look at it with different eyes, I see it as a chance to grow as a writer and student. The more I free write, the more ideas form in my mind and then I can keep writing and elaborating on ideas. This has been an enlightening experience.